We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Step Back in Time

 Last week we found ourselves flying across Canada to a city that we actually moved to 35 years ago - Hamilton, Ontario. What a strange feeling it was, like we were taking a step back in time.
 But here we were, at Redeemer University College ...
 ...where we would be meeting together with all the Canadian Power to Change staff from across the Canada for our biannual conference.
 It was exciting to think that we would all be meeting together here on this campus...
 ...staying right here in the college dorms.
 In this setting that was so beautiful...
 ...there was time for quiet reflection...
...and inspiring corporate worship led by Greg Sykes.
 But a personal highlight for me was seeing my wonderful husband honored for his 40+ years of service with the ministry(he actually completed 40 years last summer but since we didn't meet this was the year for the celebration)
 This banner hung by the door as we entered the auditorium every day...
 ...and on the final evening they were honored.

Of course my eyes were on the man in orange.
We left Hamilton just 10 months after we moved there
to the West Coast where we have spent the last 34 years,
and I couldn't help but think that although we had taken a step back in time
we were celebrating all that God had done
and the faithful service of this amazing man -
God's gift to me!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Fun at Low Tide

Yesterday was a perfect day for a trip to the beach so after church we all packed into the kids' van and drove to White Rock.
After our customary lunch of fish and chips, we headed out to explore the beach.
 And explore we much fun! So many dead crabs to investigate.
 Aidan found a huge clam shell that he decided to would make a perfect soap dish in someone's bathroom!
 The tide was exceptionally low, so Jaxon even found entire bunches of barnacles that had been knocked off the pier.
 We usually walk on top of the pier...but instead we were able to walk underneath it...
 ...the boys found the barnacles so interesting.
 A totally different view of the pier!!!

 Then it was time for ice cream....
 ...and then since the water was still coming in, we walked back in the water again!
 A man had been working on this castle/pyramid for over 5 hours already.
The water was so warm that Aidan decided it was good enough to just sit down in!!

What an awesome way to spend a Sunday many great memories to cherish and put a smile on our faces!

Monday, July 21, 2014


 I love the fact that my washer and dryer are on our main level, right there in the entrance where it's easy to work around.
But sometimes I just run out of room to dry things,
especially in summer when there are lots of cotton pants and shorts that need to be hung up.

So when the drying rack is already full,
I have to improvise!! :-)
That's when the coat rack comes in handy!!

Dave wasn't so impressed but I sure was.
Improvisation at it's best.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Making a Big Splash

Last weekend while their parents were in Seattle celebrating their Anniversary, 
we got to spend some time with our Abby boys.
 Since it was a hot weekend, we decided to spend our afternoons in their backyard pool...
 ...making a very big splash!!!
 Of course the boys loved every minute of it...
 ...trying to see how big a splash they could make.
 But the very best part?
 I was in the pool with them, splashing, playing, pretending we were whales.
And when we were all done, well we needed a rest....
so Jaxon picked the most comfortable spot
while we dried off in the sun.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Joy in the Little Things

A friend dropped by with a beautiful bouquet as a belated Birthday Gift,
and I have enjoyed it,
every single day since then!

It's also made me wonder,
how many times have I missed blessing someone repeatedly
when I could have dropped by something little just to say I care.

Just a thought for today.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A Midsummer Night's Dream

 We are enjoying a wonderful summer hot spell here on the west coast and on Friday night we headed into Vancouver...
...where we met up with several coworkers from the office to celebrate the birthday of a dear friend of all of ours.
 There right on the waterfront in Vanier Park we attended Bard on the Beach for the first time, although the brochures told us it was in it's 25th Season.
 I had no idea that it is one of Canada's largest not-for-profit, professional Shakespeare Festivals and we have only talked about getting tickets but never actually made it before!
 We enjoyed an awesome presentation of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'...who knew that Shakespeare was so funny?!
 It us just one of four presentations that they are putting on this summer.
 As we found our seats we all marveled at the amazing view where we watched the boats come into the harbour all evening long while we watched the play.
 Not sure if you will see this post today Marilyn,
but if you do, 
I'm so glad we were able to celebrate your birthday early last Friday!

Have a special day on your actual Birthday!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Fulfilling a Promise

Six years ago, when our oldest grandson, Aidan, was a toddler and Jaxon just an infant, their family got a trampoline. I remember the shocked look on Aidan's face when I got on the tramp with him and proceeded to do bum drops!! 
He couldn't believe that I could actually do them!

I decided then and there that I was going to stay active,
to keep moving even when it hurt...
To keep walking and doing whatever it took to be able to enjoy my grandchildren,
and specifically I made myself a promise that I would keep jumping on trampolines
so that on my 60th birthday I would be able to do bum drops with my grands!

 And guess what?
 Last Friday I turned 60 and I fulfilled that promise that I had made to myself!
 After naptime the three of us got onto the tramp and even Halle tried to do bum drops!
 She could drop on her bum but not get up again...
 ...but at 4 Kai has mastered the skill.
 We took turns cheering each other on...
 and then Kai and I did them together while Halle watched!
Inspite of a bad knee, we jumped...
and we did bum drops...
and played what time is it Mr Wolf...
and had a grand time on the trampoline...
this 60 year old Nan and her grands!!!

And oh what fun it was!

Here's to another decade of Bum Drops!