We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Celebrating Family

There are times when life just seems to be rushing by when suddenly I realize that I have literally hundreds of pictures on my memory card that haven't been downloaded!! Today I decided that I really, really had to take time to actually get those pictures onto the computer and then maybe, just maybe, in the next few days I can take time to post and give you a glimpse at life at the Becks these past weeks.

At the end of July,Heather and Matt were down and we began a new tradition of spending time together as a family when the girls come home. So that Sunday after church we headed to one of our favorite places.....White Rock!

A visit wouldn't be complete without Fish and Chips at the famous Moby Dick's!

Aidan loved sucking on the lemons after his meal!

Then it was time to go to the Beach......a ride on Unkie Matt's shoulders was exciting!Aidan really misses Matt and Heather and regularly tells us that Unkie, Auntie and Kitty are all gone!

Although the kids give me grief about posed pictures, I wanted to have a picture to remember the day by.....

Aidan just wanted to go down to the beach....fortunately there was a little patch of sand that was still visible(as the tide was coming in fast!)

Father and son had fun and we enjoyed watching them!

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