We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cousins....what a blessing!

One of the fun things about Jody and Caily's visit is that the cousins get to know one another. We are having so much fun watching them interact! Grandpa has his arms full!
I love this image...Jody meeting Jaxon!

Jaxon is quite taken with his Auntie!

Caily enjoys spending time with her Auntie Megan too!

With Caily needing the high chair, Aidan gets to try out Grandma's booster chair(over30 years old!) He was very impressed with himself!

Saturday morning the weather cooperated beautifully for our planned trip to the much fun to be had!

Not sure Caily was even breathing here....

She was looking at this giraffe....even bigger than the animals on the ranch.
Caily wanted Mommy beside her...

Aidan wasn't sure about the safety of his feet, and pulled them way up into the that fence safe?

Dave and I found it surreal...we were at the zoo with our kids and their children! Where did the years go? The last time we were here, our kids were little.

Jaxon gets a free ride.....

Aidan loves the animals...

Sorry that these next pictures are out of order, but sometimes I just can't think in reverse to get them right. Saturday evening we were together at Jamie and Megan's for some more cousin time. Aidan was climbing up to get a book off his bookshelf and Caily thought nothing of joining him on the train table!

Aidan loves jumping on their trampoline and Jody and Caily joined him...they had so much fun together and we were amazed at how careful Aidan was with Caily.

Jumping can be tiring business....

I managed to catch Aidan mid-jump on this one.

Caily was quite taken with all the jumping...
Of course I have hundreds more pictures, but these at least tell part of the much fun to be had and memories to be made!


Anneliese said...

Let the memories of the cousins getting together begin! So happy for you! Wishing you a wonderful weekend too!

Vanessa said...

Looks like so much fun! Great pics-definitely captured the time together! :)