Thank you to all of you that commented on my last post! I must admit that it really encouraged me to realize that you are checking for pictures and reading about those cherished moments that we are having here with our girlies.

Caily always has either a 'baby' or some sort of stuffed animal in her arms. Here she is loving on her 'bear' who is being cuddled and rocked just like Mimi was rocking Lexi. Notice her crocs on the wrong feet...odds would lead one to believe that she would get them on the right feet 50% of the time, but those odds definitely don't hold true with this little miss.

Gotta love this smile! And how about those cute pigtails?!

Miss Lexi looking her usual cute self. I can't get enough of just staring at her, knowing that in 4 short days we will be saying goodbye again.

Here she is wearing a little sunsuit that her Mommy and big sister wore! As one of the neighbor girls said when she heard that, 'that means it is really old!'

The other night after dinner we went down to the river which was refreshing and beautiful(it's cooler down there)

Caily loves the water and especially when she can be having fun with Daddy at the same time!

Here's a picture of Lexi on Tuesday, 3 weeks old. She often has her little arm under her chin like this.

Yesterday morning we met the newest arrival on the ranch...this little colt had been born just hours before. Caily loves horses and asks to see the baby horses any chance she gets. This other colt is 3 weeks old and also very cute.

Horses, sheep, goats(also with new babies), dogs, cats, deer and buffalo...what else can a little girl ask for?!
What fun to enjoy the little grandgirlies. Caily looks like she has a ton of personality and the baby is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you are having such a great time down south. Showed Tim the pictures the other day and he can't get over how much Caily looks like "little Jodes".
Missing our walk this morning! The pics are beautiful! Happy Anniversary to you guys too!
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