We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Aidan!

Aidan you are a very special little boy, our first grandchild and first great-grandchild on our side. This picture was taken the first time you came to our house just a few days after you were born. I knew that I loved you at first sight but had no idea how you would change all of our lives. How I love to hear the knock at the front door that announces that you are here just before you literally bounce right through the front door announcing your arrival!
You make us laugh...both with her actions and your wise words! And how we love to hear you contagious giggle! But you have a soft side too, like when you told Pa last week that you 'were sorry that you wouldn't be here on Saturday to go to Tim Horton's with him'. You love your Pa and the feelings are mutual!
Both your Opa, Oma-Gigi and Gigi love you too little man, and that's what you are becoming, a little man. I don't know where the toddler years went but they are definitely long gone. You are growing up, a tall, athletic little boy who loves absolutely anything to do with sports and balls.That's why I love this picture because your form is have watched your Daddy up to bat enough times to know how to stand.
The year ahead will hold a lot of changes for you as you start pre-school in a few weeks and your world will get larger with all that holds. Just remember that we love you lots and are so blessed to have you for our oldest grandson. Happy Birthday Bud!

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Anneliese said...

Happy Birthday, Aidan! You are blessed with so much love surrounding you!

Danielle said...

Happy Birthday Aiden!!