We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring on the Pond

We are blessed with the most beautiful park just blocks from our house. In late winter and early spring, there are many different species of migratory birds that stop in for the green-winged teal....
It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the males are and how plain the females are, all to protect them and their young.
The Common Mergansers are beautiful with their dark green heads, and quite a large duck compared to this little pair of Buffleheads.
The much smaller Hooded Merganser always amazes me with the intricate detail in it's feathers. When they dive down into the water to get food they fold their feathered crest back down flat against their interesting!
A pair of Ring-necked Ducks enjoy their perch on a log.
When much of the country is still covered with snow, I am blessed to be able to walk around the park three times a week with a great friend....and as we see all the wildlife we are reminded that our Heavenly Father takes care of all of their needs and He will take care of ours too!
Have a great week enjoying your blessings!

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Anneliese said...

Oh.. you got the greatest photos there, Doris! You always amaze me how you know the names of all the "ducks" ... and notice the differences.

Mumsey said...

Oh they are lovely but I don't like you talking of spring.
That means it will be autumn and winter here in NZ soon and we haven't got in nearly enough firewood yet!!