We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Four Months and Counting

No, I'm not pregnant.....but it has been four months since I walked out of the office that December day not knowing when I would be back. I was officially starting a 'Medical Leave' of unknown duration and I really had no idea what it was going to look like.

What I did know was that after months of my doctor, family, friends, physiotherapist and mostly my body telling me that I needed to stop and slow down, I was finally listening. I had blown through too many red and yellow lights in my Type A personality's efforts to be all things to all people. My medical files looked like the who's who of bad news......besides the pain and fatigue of fibrolmyelgia and arthritis, I was dealing with high blood pressure, a heart that was beating way too fast, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, peripheral neuropathy and kidneys that weren't up to snuff.

And now I was going to slow down, and concentrate on the three most important relationships in my life and no walk with God, my husband and my family. It's been an interesting time to say the least. I've learned some lessons along the way over these past weeks and months.

1. I've learned that life goes on without me!! I'm not indispensable. The ministry has carried on without me and continues to reach thousands of people around the world every month. As Dr. Howard Hendricks once said, 'Put your finger in a glass of water and then pull it out. The hole that is left is how indispensable you are!' So very true.

2. Sleep is good and rest is wonderful! Not waking up to the alarm clock every morning is an amazing thing. I remember years ago my retired aunt and uncle telling me that the best part of retirement was sleeping until they were well rested every day. I'm finding out what it is to wake up well-rested for the first time in a very, very long time.

3.  Relationships take work and energy even when they are the most important relationships in your life. I always knew that but it's been reinforced in my mind these past months. When energy is a precious commodity that you have very little of, you begin to realize that what you do have you want to spend on the relationships that are most precious to you, plain and simple, no excuses needed.

4. Friendships are invaluable and if you are too busy to spend time with friends you are just too busy. I have been able to have long, long distance calls with a friend who lost her mother, tea with friends that I hadn't seen in years, and an overdue visit with a dear 'older' woman and friend. And each interaction has blessed me and energized me! I realized how long it was since I just took time to spend with friends. It had been too long. My life was definitely out of balance. There are just two things that will be there in eternity.....God and people. Everything else stays it's easy to do the math.

These are just a few things that I have been learning in these past four months. But for those of you that have been praying, I thought you might want to get a peek into what He has been doing in my  life. Stay tuned!


Debi Tunney said...

Dear Doris,

Thanks for sharing. You are such a precious friend, and I am always inspired by your life. Even in the slow down, you are a wonderful example of what it means to love well.

With you and lots of love,

Rosie said...

Doris, thank you so much for sharing your heart. I think of you so often. I can certainly relate. I had to come to the realization that I'm not as young as I used to be and I don't heal as quickly either. On Tues I got to hold my very first great grandchild, Maddison Rose..yes, her middle name is my name. I'm so honored. What a joy! She was born March 13. She is so precious. God is so good.I only wish Ron were here to hold her too. Well, Keep doing what you are doing, Doris. You are truly missed.

Love and hugs,

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks so much for your prayers and your kind words Debbie and Rosie!! Miss all of you too!