We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Bridge Over Time - 40 Years and Counting

**This is part 1 of Dave's letter that he wrote in June in celebration of his 40  years in ministry. I thought I would share it with you our Blog Readers.

This month marks the celebration of 40 years of serving with Power to Change (Campus Crusade for Christ)!
I remember it well, the struggle regarding the call to ministry.  I was challenged by one of the leaders of the Campus ministry at the University of Minnesota to consider joining the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ.  I loved sharing my faith with fellow university students and felt the Lord’s call to ministry but did not like the thought of raising my own support. I remember saying to the Lord, “If only they just paid me, and it could even be just a little bit!” So in June of 1973 I went off for 6 weeks of training with Campus Crusade for Christ and then joined their staff, along with 600 other new staff members.
I was willing to forgo my career but the Lord asked more of me.  I was to go to the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! I had no idea where that was!  I was being asked to leave career, mother, father, sister, friends and country for the sake of the gospel.  I had no clue as to what the country was like, would I need to speak French as well as English, etc.   Looking back now that seems like a very simple decision but at the time it wasn’t.  I made the decision to move forward, saw my support raised and I reported to the ministry in Edmonton that fall.
In Mark 10:29-30, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth… no one who has left mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields-and with them persecutions) and in the age to come eternal life.”  How true that is.  What I left behind is but a shadow of all I have been blessed with since joining Campus Crusade for Christ.  Let me count but a few of these blessings.

First came you, our support team: men and women who love the Lord, have committed to pray for this ministry and have given of your finances to help make this ministry possible.  Believe it or not there are several people who joined this team 40 years ago who are still on our team.  What an adventure we have had!  We have mentioned time and time again how incredibly blessed we are with having so many people we now call friends that we never knew before we started raising support.

Second (only because of timeline but first in terms of ranking!), comes the blessing of meeting and marrying Doris. Without taking the faith steps of leaving all that I knew behind I never would have met her.  After committing my life to Christ, marrying her was the best decision of my life. We just celebrated our 38th Anniversary!(in May)

And of course out of that decision came a family of three great kids, three great in-law kids and 7 grandchildren (with the 8th on the way, due next month).

Third is the amazing blessing of being able to serve others, from the Campus ministry (9 years), the finance department (8 years), the HR department to now serving all the field ministries through the role of Associate Director of Field Ministries.  

Fourth, the lives touched over the years.  There are people around the world in ministry because of the ministry we had in their lives.  We had the privilege of working with students at the University of Alberta.  We got to start the work at the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg, and at McMaster University.  Then we were able to work with student leaders at four summer projects. One of these is celebrating 35 years of ministry in the Philippines this summer!

Fifth would be the great experience of being able to work with many godly Spirit-filled leaders in the ministry, here in Canada and around the world.  Because of this ministry we have had the exceptional ability to rub shoulders with some of the best leaders in the world.  What a privilege to learn from these gifted men and woman.  Once again something that never would have happened had I not responded to the call of God in my life. 

The list could go on and on as far as blessings that the Lord has given to us.
 ***Stay tuned on Wednesday for the conclusion of this letter.

1 comment:

Karin said...

So rewarding to be in the center of God's Will for one's life! Blessings for many more years!