We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Looking for Easters

Our northerners were very excited about the annual Easter Egg hunt on Easter Sunday. We chuckled as Halle talked all weekend about looking for 'easters'....her name for Easter Eggs.
 Their Daddy had gone out after church to hide them in obvious places...
 ...and each find was celebrated!!
 It was quite chilly outside... Jude was all bundled up while he slept through all the excitement.

As I thought about it later I had stop and wonder how many people were also 'looking for Easter'? 
Although the day itself is celebrated around the world,
how many are still looking for that relationship with God
that was sealed by His death and resurrection?

As we go into this week, 
let us continue to celebrate all that Easter means for us!


Anneliese said...

Makes me think about the women who went looking for Jesus and found an angel instead, telling them "He is not here! For He ahs risen just as He said!" Hallelujah!

Aurora Asbestos Removal said...

Great rreading your post