We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, October 28, 2005

This is where my best friend and I have walked together for the past 18 years! Anneliese and I started walking with another mom who prayed with us in our Mothers Who Care Group. We would meet after dropping our children off at school! And Anneliese and I still walk together around this park 3 mornings/week. This is our 19th year! Hard to believe!

I often marvel at how blessed I am to have such an awesome friend. We have laughed together, cried together, watched our children grow up, become teenagers, go to High School, graduate , go off to first Bible College and then some to University. We have grieved together as we lost fathers, planned together as we married off children(5 down, one to go! Her son Ben is marrying one of Jody's good friends from High School, Kari Pauls in July).

We share our joys and our sorrows, and right now I am almost as excited as she is that they are flying to Indonesia this coming week to visit their kids, Chris and Julene and their grandkids, Teyha and Paeton, on their MAF base there. Have an awesome trip Herb and Anneliese!Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Kristal emailed me and asked me if I'd read your blog, so I checked it out (when I'm supposed to be getting ready for this trip). I'm too excited, I keep being distracted. Your blog brought tears to my eyes. It's been a blessing to literally walk through "life" with you and I look forward to continuing to do this through the changing seasons yet to come. I'll pray that you get healed up and well to walk both sides when I get back. We'll have lots to talk.

Aimee said...

Hi Doris,

This may be a little strange, but I linked to your blog through Kristal's. When I read this post about you and Anneliese's friendship I was so encouraged and thought I'd let you know. It made me want to be more consistent with my close friends so that I too can have that kind of deep friendship. Thanks for the example.

Aimee, used to be Klassen, now Odegard, Heather's friend from back in grade 3.