We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What is this you see? There must be some mistake...there is a plaid couch and chair missing that have been in our living room for the past 31 years!!!

Nope, no mistakes! and yes, you are looking at our new living room! This post is just for you Jods since you asked me to take a picture of our new furniture and post it so you could see it. After 31 years of plaid, and several years of Dave and the kids telling me that the old furniture with it's deteriorating upholstery really had to go, the news of a grandchild finally did it! I agreed to look for new living room furniture(I was afraid that if Baby Beck looked anything like Jamie, I wouldn't be able to tell them apart in pictures because they would be taken on the same couch!Eeekks! That would never do!)

So we prayed for a deal, and then went shopping! And God gave us a deal! Nothing like those January specials and then no gst or pst(no tax for you Americans) on top of that. The furniture was finally delivered last week just in time for our Life Group to arrive and enjoy it for our weekly meeting!

So y'all come now and try it out too! (and no worries...the plaid furniture? it's still in the house...but in the basement Rec Room where all 31 year old furniture belongs! Posted by Picasa


Kristal Sawyer said... looks great!!! I am shocked NOT to see the plaid in there...oh, how I will miss the plaid (not).

Darin and Jody said...

Mom and Dad, it looks great! It adds a whole new look to the living room, a much needed and deserved improvement! I am looking forward to seeing it in person, but thank you for the picture, the way I pictured it really didn't do it justice.

love you,

Beck's Bulletin said...

Glad you liked it! Thought you would appreciate actually 'seeing' what it looks like now! and you are right, it does add a whole new look to the living room!

Anonymous said...

Hi Doris,

Sitting on the plaid furniture just a few months ago, I didn't realize its days were numbered. The new look is beautiful! I have been inspired by your blog, and am working on my own. I will probably unveil it this weekend. :)

Theresa Huculak

Beck's Bulletin said...

That's awesome Theresa....I can hardly wait to see it!