We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

'You Gotta Be in Pictures'

I don't know why I called this post by that title...but it is the song that keeps going thru my head and I thought I would share a wee bit of what happened in our lives this week. Have you ever wondered how the sites are chosen for movies? How do they find that perfect house, or location?

Well this week we got a lesson in how it works. Last Saturday while Heather and I were off buying paint for our home makeover of our guest room, a man drove up and approached Dave who was outside working on the yard. He had driven past our house and was looking for a house with a vaulted ceiling for an upcoming movie that is being filmed here in the Lower Mainland.(Did you know that Vancouver is called Hollywood North because of all the movies that are filmed around here?) He had found our house earlier in the week and came back now to see if we were home and if he could come in and take pictures of the Living Room.

You see, he was scouting out locations for a new movie, Just a Girl, and the script called for a bedroom with a vaulted ceiling. He was taking pictures of several houses in the area to show the director of the film so she could decide which one would work best.

Anyway, then on Monday, I received a call from a man who identified himself as working with the Directors Guild of Canada(and yes, I did check references) asking if he could bring the director over on Tuesday to check our house out(it had made the short list). In the end, they didn't come(after several phone calls telling me that they were running into problems and would come later, the last one was, we have run into a pickle and looks like we may be changing what we are looking for). But it was fun while it think that our house might have made it into a movie!

You just never know what might happen in your day! Hope you are having a good Saturday today!(I am waiting for Dave to make it back from Orlando...he got stuck in Phoenix last night when he missed his flight because of the first flight being late! Arghh......)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Doris,
Here I am at (almost) 1 AM Sunday morning, waiting for my cake to finish baking for Coffee Connections at Church tomorrow morning...I forgot to bake it earlier tonite. Yes, you know me, I'd rather do it now than get up earlier in the morning!
So, I was just checking out blogs to stay awake. Too bad about Dave's delayed flight. Hope you have a good day!