We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Birthday Sunday...Our little man is one month old!

I had Dave take this picture in honor of our little man being one month old! ! He clicked it just as he put his hand in the air so it looks like he is waving at all of you in Blogland! It's hard to believe that he has been part of our family for that long already and our Sunday dinners are definitely different! Not complaining is so much fun having a baby in the house.

I posted this next picture for you honor of it being Sunday, he had on his Sunday bib and burp cloth.....being put to use already! Thanks! As you can tell he has gotten used to the bottle very easily and enjoys feeding times...and now I can even feed him. What fun!

Since it was absolutely beautiful we headed out to Cultus Lake to enjoy the "Indian Summer Day"...funny thing, you never hear that expression anymore...I guess it isn't politically correct! But it is fall and it felt like summer and we enjoyed some relaxing time with Heather and Matt so I just had to post this picture.

And one last picture of our cute grandson! Just can't get enough of him...thank you Jamie and Megs for sharing him with us!

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~linda~ said...

wow Doris , your grandson is smart!! he can wave already at 1 month...kinda a given he would be smart tho with all those genes he has huh????lol

Beck's Bulletin said...

He has blue eyes! So far anyway! they may still change to brown!

Beams said...

Welcome to a fully paid up member of the proud Grandma's club! He is a wee cutie....we allow you that! :)
BTW how is that ankle doing? Hope the proud gran is up and about again... I mean she has to be out trawling baby shops for that perfect wee outfit or toy!