We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, January 12, 2007

An Unusual Day!

Today is an unusual day! Why you ask?(even if you don't I am going to tell you!) If Dave came home early from work right now he would be so frustrated with me because you can follow me through the house by looking at open doors and projects started! So why is that so unusual? Here's why....

.......because it is a Friday and I am not working on my laptop(I have put in three very long days and am all caught up in both emails and hours) so I am having an at home day that isn't on the weekend!

........because I am posting in the middle of the day and not at midnight while Dave is sleeping(and snoring) in the other room(now only the dog is sleeping and yes, snoring!)

.......because the vacumm cleaner is out having been used to do the bedrooms upstairs and is now waiting to do the Linen Closet? The linen closet you ask? is true...I am delving into the depths of that horrificly(is that a word?) full closet and insisting on both order and space(my current obsession will be cleaned out by lunch!) The little man at the MCC Thrift Store will be so excited to take my bags out of the car when I drop them off!(is there a reason I had 8 sets of sheets for 2 twin beds?)

.......because the sun is shining and reflecting off the snow! Yes, snow again! We survived our 14th storm of the season with only 9 hours without power and Dave fighting his way home arriving almost 3 hours after he left the office(that was on Wednesday while I sat at home and wondered if he was going to run out of gas, but being the good boy scout that he is, he filled up with gas along the way! Good thing he did!)

.........because I am posting pictures of another room that we have 'made over'! Well almost...the floor still has to go! But for those of you that remember the dungeon that was my laundry room(actually it was a storage room with no order and piles everywhere....they grew, and they grew, and they grew!!! Honest!!) Dave stripped the wallpaper, and Heather helped me paint over the holidays!

Now if only the washer actually worked! It has decided that there is only cycle I can wash on(warm/cold) and one I can rinse on(hot/warm) so for every load I have to listen and move the knob half way thru, all the while making sure I have the right tap turned on or off depending on the load! Oh joy....

We love the new look and notice I even have room to sit at my desk and work on my laptop! A novel idea!

Can you believe it Jody? What a change! I too marvel at what can happen to a room after taking out 6 blue bags of recyclables, 5 large green bags of garbage and at least one box of goodies to the Thrift Store! How did that stuff all get there?!

....back to my unusual's unusual because I got to talk to Jody and Darin on skype this morning(oh I do love the free long distance calling!) and now that they have made their announcement on their blog, I can make it here too. Come July, Aidan will no longer be the only grandchild appearing on our blog!!! Yes, it is true...Baby Miles is due 7/7/07...or thereabouts!!! But in the meantime, here is a cute picture of him smiling!

Our good friends Tom and Ruth were here this week and they got to meet him for the first time...she is holding him here while I captured a smile! Posted by Picasa


Danielle said...

I think you need to come over to my house and help us ship shape up!! I could throw away every single paper and ask questions later hahahaha!!!

Congrats gramma :)

Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for the pictures of the new laundry room, a much needed improvement, I like the color alot.

ramblin'andie said...

Congratulatiions Mrs. Beck! What exciting news :)