We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fun with Grandpa

Although I am often blessed to have Grandma time with Aidan when Megs has to work during the week, Dave is usually not around. So today we had a unique opportunity.....we had Aidan for the day and Grandpa and Aidan got to have some fun together.

Exploring the Great Outdoors! Aidan has always enjoyed looking at the trees and birds out of our patio door, but today he got to sit on the railing and explore from the deck! As you can tell he loved it!

He loves playing 'chase'....he crawls away and you are supposed to chase him......I caught this expression and it reminded me of two of Jamie at about this age, and another of me!!! (that one is in black and white)

As you can tell, Dave loves spending time with Aidan.....

From very early on, Aidan has loved books! Here Dave is reading one that we still have from when Jamie was little and Aidan loves the animal noises that Dave makes! Just look at that smile!

Back on the floor and making a getaway...Aidan can crawl amazingly fast.....sure burns off a lot of energy!

'Gotcha!' Always good for a giggle.....
.....and off we go again! Down the hallway....

Aidan is fascinated with Dave's arthritic fingers and always giggles when Dave plays with them with him....

This picture makes me smile.....Dave down on the floor playing with Aidan who is in turn playing with a Fisher Price Xylophone that Jamie played with almost 30 years ago....where have the years gone?!

So there you go ..... a glimpse into a Saturday at our house! We really are so blessed to be able to enjoy time with our grandson! Can't you tell we love it? Thanks Jamie and Megs for sharing him with us!


Anonymous said...

Wondered what Grandpa and Grandma had been up to as of late...what fun you two are having. Glad you are able to have some great quality time with a very special little guy. Blessings, Bobbi

Debbie said...

Aidan is such a beautiful baby...and always smiling!