We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Introducing Caily Joelle Miles!!!

Here she is! Caily Joelle Miles made her appearance this afternoon, weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and surprising everyone! She is adorable and we just had to share the news with you!

Darin and Jody are thrilled to introduce you to their little girl! What a great looking family!

10 perfect little toes!

I just love how chubby she is....the little wrinkles on her hands and the cute cheeks! Only one more week until we get to meet her in person! Babies are so precious!

Thank you to all of you that have prayed for this little gal and her Mommy these past months! Today we are celebrating God's amazing faithfulness to our entire family!


~linda~ said...

wow, beautiful Doris..

Anonymous said...

she is beautiful! I love how she looks a little chubby already. She didnt' leave anyhting for Jody!
You will have so much fun ... I guess this week will hardly go fast enough.

ramblin'andie said...

Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous. I bet you can't wait to get down and see her for yourself. Enjoy!

Kristal Sawyer said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! How precious! Enjoy your time together down in Texas!

Anonymous said...

God is good! Children are a blessing from the Lord and a joy! Congratulations to all!

sethswifeforlife said...

Congratulations on your precious granddaughter!
The parents look great too!
God bless,
Abby Prescott
~Friends of Darin and Jody's in San Antonio, TX~

Steve and Nancy(aka Morningstar) said...

Hey Doris,
We're in Mitchell, SD and have about 260 miles to get to you...The weather looks stormy for will take it easy..we will leave here about 9 and hoping to be there around 3 pm or so. Can't wait to see you!!!!
And the little precious bundle is sweet, sweet, sweet!
Love ya!

Beams said...

wonderful addition to your family! Enjoy all your time with her...aren't grandkids wonderful!