We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More pictures....

Being here in Texas and seeing this little gal every day this past week has been so fun! We can almost literally see her growing! Outfits that were too big last week fit this week, like the little sunsuit that she had on yesterday. She was sooooo cute in it!

Tonight while we played cards she was enjoying being in her Daddy's lap! and she almost filled it up already! She has grown in length since we arrived too.
I just had to share this picture with y'all! Today we all commented on how much stronger her neck was and how she had decided that she liked this position......looks like a thinker in the making! and what a cute one at that!
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Anonymous said...

Precious!! Must be fun to be able to put all those cute outfits on and not have to bundle her up.

Anonymous said...

She is one cute kid. It is hard to beleive she is only 2 weeks old. She looks so big!

Anonymous said...

Doris, Thanks so much. I love that we can share in these times with you. So precious and what a Blessing!