We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Great Grandma

Today was Dave's Mom's birthday so we decided to give her the best birthday gift ever and drive down to Rockport(about 3 1/2 hours) and take her to lunch. Darin had to stay home and work on the ranch but the rest of us went on a road trip to the ocean.It's always good to celebrate when you are blessed to have four generations of a family together! Caily got tired of being in her car seat and decided to try the Driver's seat instead!
You can tell she has watched her Mommy and Daddy drive lots already in her young life!

After lunch we had some time to just sit outside Great Grandma's room and enjoy the sunshine while we all watched Caily enjoy her freedom.

The weather cooperated nicely....... Caily is definitely on the move these days and has mastered both crawling on all fours as demonstrated here and 'scootching'(or however you call it....she pulls herself forward on her arms)
Too soon it was time to get back into the car and head back up to the ranch again....but it was a great day! Hope you enjoyed it Grandma!


Anonymous said...
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Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Great pictures, Grandma Doris!! Thanks so much for keeping them coming! That is a darling outfit Caily has on..she looks so sweet...and all of you look great!

Danielle said...

ebambi hahaha!!

anyways... awe cailey is SO CUTE!!! I love how she is smiling and squinching one eye, while her momma is holding her!... aweeee!