We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Making Progress

I know that several of you have been checking our blog for progress reports so I thought I would post a couple of pictures that I took today.
As you can see, the siding is well on it's way to being finished, and the new windows are all in. Today we even got the new mailbox and house numbers on(so the mailman will be happy and if we ever need to dial 911 they will be able to find us now that the numbers are where the light will shine on them!)
Heather and I will still need to paint the trim, but that is going to have to wait for another week because we are still busy working inside. I finished painting the cabinets in the bathroom this weekend and Dave and I even managed to hang the doors! hardware and all. For those of you that have been in our house I know it will be hard to believe what the 'red' bathroom looks like now! All that work sanding the walls was well worth it.
Now we just need our new light fixtures to arrive and a new mirror (along with the baseboards that need to go back on, and another room is almost finished(my part at least!)

This week my old kitchen comes out on Thursday so I am busy packing up everything in the cabinets! What a job! But once we paint the walls on the weekend, the new kitchen can come in next Monday! Hard to believe it's coming so fast......back to the kitchen for me!
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Darin and Jody said...

Wow, looking good! I won't even recognize the house next time we visit.

Anneliese said...

Since we're not walking I had to check your blog for updates. Looking good! I'm so excited for you!

The W's said...

Looks great!! Wow, what a lot of work. Now we know who to call on if we ever have to do renos :) Can't wait to see it when it's all done. Thanks for putting up the pictures so we can watch the progress.

awomanoffewwords said...

I can't believe the difference that new siding makes! It looks like a completely different place! I'll have to check the address when I come just to be sure I'm at the right house! Can't wait to see the kitchen, too.