We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Caily visits Grandma and Grandpa

Last Wednesday Dave and I headed down to Seattle to pick up our two favorite Texas girls for a visit! Even after flying all day, Caily was all smiles! She remembered us(those weird people she sees on the computer every Wednesday when we skype!) Caily has something in common with her Opa and her Auntie Heather...she too loves shoes!

After a stop for dinner, it was finally time for sleep.....and another three hours of driving!
Dave took these two weeks off while they are visiting and Caily is definitely Grampa's girl! They are having so much fun together.

I took a longer lunch break so I could go along with the gang for a walk around Mill Lake Park....Caily was all set!

I never cease to be in awe at the beauty that surrounds us! Here Mt Baker in the distance seems to just loom over Mill Lake

Tired of the stroller, it was time to walk and it almost seemed to us that she was trying to walk right on the yellow line. This is her gazing pose....stopping to look at the ducks and geese!
Back at home, Caily discovered Grandma's amazing toy box! Full of 30 year old toys that haven't lost their play value! Thank you Fisher Price. :-)

Enjoying a book with Mommy....


Danielle said...

oh!! caily is SO CUTE!!! still has that gorgeous smile on her face :)

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Awww, such darling pictures! I was waiting for a post from you. I love the one of her squatting down....too cute! Savor the days...I know they'll pass by oh so quickly! Love you all!