We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unexpected Company

Today it was Megan's turn to be without power so she packed up the boys and came over! What a nice surprise....Aidan was excited to try out his snow clothes that they got to be prepared for Christmas in Michigan. Megan and Aidan were twins!

Once inside, Aidan was mesmerized by the giant snowflakes falling outside.

After lunch Megs decided to head for home again and by then it was really snowing hard. Aidan was surprised by the wind and snow at first I think! But such fun....

I loved his next pose....enjoying all the snowflakes!!
We had almost 5 inches of snow so it is definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
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Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures of Aidan! Enjoy the snow!

Megan said...

These pics are great!!!! Thanks for sending the one to me. I would love to get the other one as well.

Karin said...

Great shots! I love when it is mild and snowing huge flakes! Love Aidan's hands in the air!

Yosha said...

wow! That's a lot of snow!!! But what a cute kid!!

I am so late in getting started this yr...but wondering if I may have your snail mail address? And if you have one for Sarah and Valarie?


Oh my email -