We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Day on the Ranch

I love life here on the ranch! There is always something to do outside, some new animal to see or walk to go on. I thought I would give you a glimpse of some of the things that happen around here in a day.

Sometimes a girl is just too hungry to wait for breakfast. A quick yogurt on the kitchen floor is a wonderful pick-me-up.

Daddy coming thru the door is always cause for celebration. Especially when he gets down on the floor because that means that there is a horsey ride in store. Caily hangs on like a real pro!
Saying good morning to the new milk goats. Caily loves to say the word , 'goats', but now she actually has goats to greet in the morning.
Puppies need to be fed three times each day so that is the first destination outside in the morning or after lunch.
On a really good day, Daddy is riding and Caily gets to have her turn too! She just loves riding...

Speaking of horses, they need to eat hay! So Caily picks up any she finds on the ground and feeds the nearest horse....Teresa in this case. Needless to say, the horses are more than happy to eat!
Sky is usually close by and Caily lavishes love on her.
Caily enjoys reading books.....changing a diaper is always a good reason to stop and read a book before the next adventure.
Speaking of adventures, today's adventure was the delivery of some baby ducklings. They were so cute!
Caily enjoys the swing....unconventional way, but enjoys it none the less!
She also really enjoys checking on the new chicks.

It's been hot the last couple of days so the front porch is a great place to enjoy the sunshine and warmth without getting over-heated or sunburned. Mimi and Caily enjoy coloring on the cement with the sidewalk chalk(don't laugh all of you that know I can't draw! Fish, flowers and stars are just fine by Caily. Good thing she really, really likes Fish!)
Daddy comes along to check on the chicks and ducklings so Caily gets to give the chick a kiss. She is amazingly gentle.
Welcome to our ranch little duckling!
Hope you enjoyed the tour!


Anonymous said...

These are great pictures. Wish I was there. Pa B

McMahon Manifesto said...

Wonderful pictures! You have such a precious family and it looks like you are having a great time and some sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Love the sunshine - on the faces and outside! We're still snowed under!