We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Newest Princess

Well we made it to Texas and finally got to meet our newest princess! Isn't she just perfect? And yes, her hair really is that dark.
I had great plans to post lots of pictures to tell you all about our arrival here and our time with the Miles family. But alas, the internet is not cooperating! So here are just a couple from our first look at Lexi yesterday...

She was sound asleep in her carseat when they picked us up at the airport so we just jumped into the van and we were off....I just couldn't get enough of her(good thing I was sitting in the back seat of the van and could peek over into her carseat.
When she finally opened her eyes I just had to take another picture!

It's so good to be here and I was so thrilled when we got out of the van and Caily just ran into my arms and gave me the biggest hug!! I guess all these trips to Texas this spring have been good for getting to know one another! I will try to post more pictures in the morning but for now I am up way past my bedtime.


Anneliese said...

Doris, it's a gorgeous morning and we are missing that walk, but I'm sure you are having a great time holding and playing. It's so much fun to be there together (with Dave), isn't it?

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Darling, sweet pics! Keep 'em coming!

Danielle said...

oh my she is beautiful!!!!! more pics please :)