We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Saying Goodbye never gets easier

Dave and I both decided today that saying goodbye never gets any easier.....but say goodbye we did and tonight we are home again and far away from our Texas kids.
We have met and had our hearts captured by our newest granddaughter....
....and capture our hearts she did indeed!
This litte baby doll is so precious.
This morning Bupa was holding Lexi and Caily and her baby bear decided to climb up into his lap as well....I loved this picture! She is holding her baby exactly the same way Dave is holding Lexi!
Caily is Daddy's doubt about it!
Lexi is opening her eyes a bit more these days.....
Caily and I had to compare our bracelets today.....she got hers from her Auntie Heather and she was so impressed by it and even kept it on her arm all day yesterday!
Dave caught Jody and I and the girls today.....mothers and daughters, how very special.
As we headed for home, this memory will be forever in our hearts.....Caily and her Daddy, checking out the ranch!

Thanks again Jody and Darin, for letting us come and share your lives! We love you lots and miss you already!


Anneliese said...

Beautiful family picture - even Lexi is looking a the camera!
(don't tell me about saying goodbye . . .)

heidi said...

you take such gorgeous photos! goodbye is such a terrible word....i prefer "see you later" :)

Courtney and Jon said...

wow great post Doris. What a beautiful family you have!

Karin said...

Great that you can share the memories! It is so hard to be so far away from each other! Don't get me started....