We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Smile-worthy pics

There are so many times every day that I pick up the camera to capture another pose, another look, another memory that I want to save because it makes me smile. I thought I would share a few of those with you today. I love it when Kai hears his Mommy's voice and just stares in her's so neat that he actually knows her voice and Matt's too. And the dog's bark for that matter...he doesn't even blink when Tikka barks! He's obviously heard that for the last 9 months already!

Heather captured these next two shots of Dave and I with our newest family member.....and yes, we are both smitten! Can you tell?

This last shot was one of several that we took yesterday afternoon after his you can tell he is a wee bit jaundiced, but just too cute for words! And yes, those eyes really are dark brown!

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Anneliese said...

Can I say that he looks like a doll - even though he is a boy and looks like a boy? Something about the hair! Beautiful miracle!

Karin said...

What a precious bundle!!! Just got a chance to see your gorgeous pictures!! I think he looks older than a newborn though!! He's perfect!

McMahon Manifesto said...

Thanks for posting so faithfully, Doris! It's so nice to see new pictures of this precious baby each day. He is gorgeous.

Karen said...

Kai really is blessed to have such wonderful grandparents. So good that miracle baby is so loved.

Aimee said...

Thanks for all the photos Doris. He is beautiful. What a blessing he is to your family.