We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Raining Leaves

After a beautiful fall with lots of warm, sunny days, this past week the storms came....rain, wind, and then more rain. As I looked out the window on Friday I realized that it was raining leaves in our backyard. We have three big maple trees and the leaves were swirling through the air and then forming piles in unexpected places....I quickly grabbed Dave's camera and captured some of the sights....the planters are empty now and ready to be taken in for the winter.

The red leaves were so brilliant against the green of the violets and evergreens.

In some places the ground was totally covered with a carpet of the red leaves from our Japanese Maple tree.
These two leaves seemed to stuck against the trunk of the tree and just as I was taking the picture, the sun peaked out from behind some clouds and was captured on the leaves.
Summer is definitely over and this weekend all of the deck furniture and even this water fountain were brought into the garage to dry off before being tucked away in their winter homes in the storage room. But along the way, I enjoyed capturing the memory of the day it was raining leaves.


Karin said...

Gorgeous!!! Raining leaves - what pretty leaves. And you were there to take pics!

Earle Expedition said...

So pretty. We got such an early frost this year that we didn't get to enjoy falls beauty to its fullest. Thanks for sharing some of yours.