We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Relaxing Weekend in the Cariboo

In honor of Dave's American roots, he likes to take American Thanksgiving off and make a long weekend out of it! This year we decided to couple that with a trip to visit Mr Kai and his parents and have a relaxing weekend up north. And what a wonderful weekend it was!

Kai has grown so much in the few weeks since we had seen him last. He is over 14 pounds at 10 weeks and has lots of smiles for Mommy and any one else who might pay attention to him.

I love his dimpled little tiny in mine and yet so special.

Dave tried out his 'football hold' although Kai wasn't too much of a fan!

Kai does enjoy having a conversation with you...and you just have to love the smiles!

Sharing a secret with Dave...take a look at those curls after his bath!

His big brown eyes match his outfit!

It really was a weekend to remember...and we loved every single minute of it(except having to say Goodbye!)

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Anneliese said...

I'm glad you could have some cuddle time. He sure has grown!

On This Rock said...

Such a cutey! ...and obviously so well loved. Congrats on 35 quickly the time flies, eh?