We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

There's Laughter in the Walls....

As Dave and I drove to church on Sunday morning we reflected on the incredible blessing of this Christmas spent with all of our 'families' home. The house is silent now, the bed linens are washed and back on the beds, the toys are all in their places, and the living room is uncluttered by blankets, car seats, books, or toys for every age of grandchild. But there is laughter in the, so much laughter in the walls!



Thank you Lord for all the laughter in our walls!

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JJ said...

Happy New Year!
I've been enjoying your family on the blog! I know how it feels to have all your family together. What a blessing for you this year! Great family, great pictures, Great Saviour!

Anneliese said...

Loving all the smiles!!! Beautiful pictures of looks like you didn't miss a thing. Oh, and I can't believe how Kai is sitting in that seat already... just grinning like this is the life! Happy New Year, my friend!

Julene said...

What an absolutely beautiful family you have!!!

Earle Expedition said...

Loved reading all your excitement. Definitely a Christmas to remember!!

On This Rock said...

What marvelous fun! Your little grands are charmers - all of them!!! Interesting how little cousins can look so alike and yet clearly have their individual personalities. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with everyone home...and wishing you a wonderful next year as well.