We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Wonder of Snow!

One of the special things that the kids planned for our time together in honor of Dave's 60th Birthday was a surprise trip up to the top of Grouse Mountain with a Birthday meal to follow. Although it was a beautiful sunny day when we left home, by the time we took the Gondola up the mountain, we were in a winter wonderland and it was really snowing!

Caily was in awe of the snow......she  couldn't get enough of it!

Since Jamie was the uncle with snow pants on, he was the one that took turns sliding down the hill with the little ones....

Both Aidan and Caily just loved playing in the snow, sitting in it, lying down in it, and even trying to make snow balls while we adults waited in line to take a sleigh ride.

The little ones were in their carriers so they were protected from the snow and the wind. Jaxon missed his nap so he was a bit tired, but more than willing to be held.
Finally it was our turn to climb up into the sleigh.
 All settled in for the ride....
 We're off....jump up Mimi!!
What awesome memories we made......they make me smile remembering them!
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Karen said...

These photos are awesome! I know they barely capture the fun and happy sounds.... but it is so neat to get a peek into the special Christmas you had. I'm also amazed at the large group three children turns into! To think only a few years ago you had 3 young adults at your home!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

I just loved looking at all those do a great job of capturing those special moments. I know your house is quiet tonight, but you've got the memories to think over again and again.