We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Blessing of a Friend

Last week we remembered the death of our friend Debbie a year ago on January 7. Saying goodbye too soon has made both Dave and I more aware that life is to be celebrated and treasured. It also reminded me again of the incredible value of a good friend.

It's hard to believe that that this is our 22nd year of walking together. Anneliese and I have walked and talked about the joys and the sorrows, the good times and the challenging, as our children went thru elementary school, high school, moved on to Bible School and then university, met sweethearts, married them, had children and now have families of their own.

I realized again this past week what a blessing it is to have a friend who sees me just as a I am! No make-up, sometimes grouchy and weighed down with what concerns me. And yet she is committed to walking whether sunny or rainy, warm or cold, getting up long before she would if we weren't walking(we are both allergic to mornings). Thank you my friend! I am blessed indeed!
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Anneliese said...

Oh Doris! And it's not my birthday or anything! Thank you. The blessing goes both ways.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

That's so sweet..The blessing of a true friend is priceless. I love your heading looks so peaceful. Where is that? Have a great week!

Beck's Bulletin said...

That's actually the park where I walk with my friend all the time. Just two blocks from my's beautiful all year and a bird refuge in the winter months.