We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Park Fun with Pa

Last weekend we had the boys while Megs went along with Jamie and his Grade 8 basketball teams to a Tournament in Penticton. Saturday we headed to the Park for a walk, some bird watching and of course, time to play in the park at the playground.The boys were excited to be heading back to the Park where we had walked the day before.
Aidan was watching for ducks and geese and we saw lots of them. But we also had a great view of this Blue Heron. Dave couldn't resist taking a picture and what a great picture!
Next up, the playground. Aidan knew exactly where he wanted to head first, and of course, Jaxon was right behind him! The swings.....they were excited to both be in them!
The slide was next...since it was a double slide they could both go down at the same time!

From the smaller double slide, Aidan ran for the high slide and the climbing wall. He got all the way to the top and then was ready to come down the slide. He was a long, long way off the ground!

Jaxon wanted to have a try at the climbing wall too, but his legs were just too short for the footholds!
Aidan also wanted to try the chain ladder....he did great at climbing it up to the top and then hanging on for a picture! It was definitely a fun time at the Park with Pa!(and Mimi the photographer :-)

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Karin said...

Wow! I'm just so jealous!!!!! You have your little grands available and you have NO SNOW!! No fair!!!!!!!


Anneliese said...

Isnt' that just a great park? A wonderful walk . . . all kinds of birds, squirels and rabbits to chase ... and a climbing playground to enjoy. I think, one of these days, when the grands are here, we need to pack a lunch and enjoy the picnic tables there as well.