We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Flowers of Thailand

The first time I was in Thailand we went to an Orchid Farm and it was so neat to see orchids just growing around the hotel and the city. I just had to share some pictures of them with you!

There were other flowers too....I remember these from my trip to the Philippines.(I don't have a clue what they are called! Anyone out there know?)

There was Bougainvillea everywhere...all different colors!

The Thai people do interesting things with floating them in a planter! Who knew?!
These aren't flowers but they were in a 'bed' in front of the hotel and I couldn't get over them.... these bushes were manicured into elephants, peacocks, rabbits and turtles!!

With the heat and high humidity everything grows really fast. I can't imagine how many times each year these have to be trimmed to keep them looking so neat and tidy!
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Trojin said...

Truly beautiful, man. I had no idea such beautiful flowers grew in Thailand. It wasn't on my list of places to travel before, but now it is. You're really lucky to have seen such a beautiful place.

Anneliese said...

Very much like Indonesia. I also remember a large planter near the pool full of a number of different orchids ... just beautiful. The first place I saw the manicured bushes was actually in CA. Did Dave check them out to see what he can do in his spare time this spring? =)

Karin said...

Beautiful flowers Doris!

kathryn said...

the pictures of those flowers are so pretty i wish i can go over there and see that but me parents can't aford it