We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Getting Around Bangkok

As I looked at our pictures again tonight this one made me smile! I love swimming and the hotel we stayed in had a great pool that was mostly unused! Except by me.....I managed to fit in a swim 3 afternoons while we were there and it was fun to look out over the city from here.(it was on the 14th floor of our hotel)
Getting around Bangkok means traffic, and lots of it! Sometimes it moves fast, but other times it hardly moves at all which gave rush hour a brand new meaning!
I loved sitting by the window in the van as we drove thru the city. This particular day I couldn't believe my eyes....there amongst the booths along the sidewalk sat an older lady on her Singer sewing machine, just like the ones my grandmother and mother had! You just never know what you are going to see.

The taxis are all in bright colors, like bright blue, green, yellow & green, and pink!! I couldn't resist taking a picture!

Another evening the Thai staff treated us to a Dinner Cruise down the river. To get to the boat we had to take the subway, the skytrain, transfer to another skytrain, then take a water taxi like the one below before arriving on our boat of choice.
It was definitely worth it as we cruised down the river and enjoyed good food, great company and an awesome lightshow all around us!
But probably the mode of transportation that I think of most when I think of getting around Bangkok is the scooters! They are everywhere and you can even find motorcycle taxis.  People transport everything from computers to microwaves on the back of these scooters! I loved this gal all dressed up for work!(and yes, it is law that if a woman rides a motorcycle taxi she MUST ride side-saddle!
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1 comment:

Claire said...

Hello! Just happened to stumble upon you blog. I love all of your travel pictures! You've been to some really amazing places! Have lots more great (and safe!) trips!