We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday my beautiful Daughter!

It seems hard to believe that today you are celebrating another birthday. It's been 27 years since you made your speedy entrance into the world, crying at the top of your lungs before you were even totally born. From the start you were my sunshine girl, content to sit for hours on end in the playpen as long as your big brother or sister were around so you could watch. I cherished every moment, knowing you would most likely be our last baby and you rewarded me with smiles, smiles and more smiles.

After graduation from High School, you followed your big brother and sister to a little bible school in Texas and it was there when we came for a visit that you hopped out of a truck and introduced us to this cowboy we could hardly understand! 
Instead of coming back to Canada you now call Texas home, and your love for animals and the great outdoors make it seem like almost a perfect place for you. I often have to chuckle because I see myself in you(who wants to stay inside when you can be outside?!)
God has given you and Darin two beautiful little girls, and you are an awesome and amazing mother! Thank you for making time in your busy weeks to skype with us so we can get to know them too even though you live in far away Texas.
I love watching you interact with them, and we check your blog several times a day for updates! Thanks for giving us a window into their lives so we can watch them grow up.
As you said at Christmas, you are being 'southernized'.....your girlies have ribbons and bows, fancy dresses and tights! Who knew that our tomboy had that in her? I wish that we could be there with you today in person, to treat you to a birthday dinner and celebrate together. Thankfully we will be there soon for today have a wonderful Birthday and we will see you soon!
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Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Mom, and for loving and sacrificing so much for me. We can hardly wait to see you all, just over a week!

Anneliese said...

Happy Birthday, Jody! I can't help but think about you today as your birthday became important to our family too while you were growing up. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead.

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

What a sweet post, Doris. We all love Jody and are thankful that the Lord brought her into our family. She is such a good little mommma.....content to be at home with her family (a rarity in today's society). She has truly found her place of contentment. We continually pray for God's blessings on this little "Texas family" so far removed from Canada and South Carolina. Hope you all are doing well.