We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, March 08, 2010

The Gift

Today we both gave and received a precious gift....the gift of time with the special people in our lives. We gave Jody and Darin the gift of time with each other, alone without the girls, just the two of them, something they don't get very often.....a date!!

And in return we too received the gift of time with two very special little girls that we don't get enough time with in our everyday lives....
 Time for Caily and her Buppa to just hang out together in the big brown chair....playing with her ponies or reading stories.
She just absolutely adores her Buppa...and I think you can tell from the picture below that he feels the same way!
 And I also received an amazing gift.....lots of time holding, cuddling, and playing with Lexi....she's finally decided that I am alright to be with, even when Jody is also around, but most especially when she isn't like today!
 And yes, even she went to Buppa today and had fun with him. I couldn't resist this picture because it looks like she is doing the old Charlie's Angels pose with her fingers but in reality she somehow feels the need to hold her hand in place when sucking her thumb and I just managed to catch her mid giggle!
The gift of time....truly the most precious gift we can ever give or receive!


Yosha said...

Awe that's super sweet!

Your title reminded me of a movie called "the ultimate gift", really sweet and great message. I think it may have been a book...

Heather said...

Looks like you are having so much fun mom :) Love the pictures of the little girlies.