We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Kai!

 It's hard to believe that a year has passed since I waited all day long for that phone call that finally came announcing your arrival! We were all so thankful that you were here and shocked that you were a 'he'!!! You made your Mommy and Daddy so happy and I was excited to be able to be at the hospital just a short time later to meet you for the first time.
Your Bupa was so excited that you were born on a Thursday night so that he could drive up the next day to meet you! Nothing could have kept him away!
 Your curly hair and big brown eyes set you apart from our other grandchildren....and they all loved 'Baby Kai'!
Your first Christmas Eve almost made me cry...your Mommy and Daddy were finally able to have their picture taken in front of the Christmas Tree with you in the arms!
How your smiles have warmed our hearts....
 A Canuck fan from the start you make your Mommy's heart glad.
  From the start you have made us all were quick to smile and always ready to entertain.
 You quickly learned what made us all laugh and performed your faces over and over again for the camera!
 One after another, you never tire of having your picture taken.
 I have laughed outloud so much as I went through this last year of are such a clown, a happy, content not so little boy.
We love you little man....and we are so very blessed to have you as part of our family! Happy 1st Birthday Kai-Bear. How we wish we were there today to celebrate with you and smile with you!


Darin and Jody said...

Happy birthday Kai! I cannot believe it has been a year already!

The W's said...

Love the pics. I love the smiles on Matt and Heather in the Christmas picture. Pure joy :)

Anneliese said...

It gives me great pleasure to wish Kai a Happy Birthday too! You have the best pictures!

Beams said...

Such beautiful pictures Doris! He's a real cutie.