We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Northern Thanksgiving

We enjoyed celebrating our Canadian Thanksgiving with our northern kids and our little brown eyed munchkin.
 The weather cooperated for some time outside - taking pictures.....

 ....going for a walk along the river
 ....and just enjoying the beauty of the changing colors of fall.

 We also enjoyed time spoiling our little sweetheart....he loved our Blizzards.
 Can you tell?
 "Look what I am getting Mama.....this is delicious!"
 Trying out more new food...this time the healthy version! An entire apple all to himself!
 Life is just faannntaaassstic! Especially when someone has a camera in their hands!
 Having Daddy at home is always special.
 Not only did we have a great weekend together, both Dave and Matt were going to be out of town so I got to stay the week and hang out with Heather and Kai! I was so blessed......he is such a character and so much fun.

Saying goodbye is never easy....but I am so thankful for the memories!!!


Karin said...

He sure looks like he loves to ham it up! Oh, what joys! Our grands are such a blessing. Going off to see mine for the week-end! Hugs!

Kristal Sawyer said...

What a CUTE boy! Love his cheesy smiles.
And it kinda looks like where we live, with the river and fall colors! :)

Vanessa said...

He is so incredibly cute!! Glad you were able to go spend thanksgiving with them!! Looks like you had a great time! :)

Mumsey said...

That is so special.
He is too.
It sis great to be able to spend time with family and the photos capture it for life

Anneliese said...

Fall is gorgeous up there! Glad you could spend some time with family there. Don't you wish you could be three places at once sometimes? Or that those three places could somehow converge for special times at least?

Courtney and Jon said...

what beautiful photos of Kai! love them.