We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Near and Far

I've been thinking a lot these past weeks about 'Near and Far'. You see we have grandkids both near and far, and once in a while they are in the same place at the same time like the past couple of weeks when Heather and Matt were down and we were privileged to have all four to put to bed one evening while the parents went out for dinner. What fun! Kai loved listening to stories with his big cousins.
I am so thankful for our 'near' grands.....being able to have them for evenings while their parents go out, Sunday Dinners, Mimi Mondays when Jaxon comes for the day, all are so special and I am so glad that we have some near.
But I am also thankful for our 'far' grands who when they come get to spend 24/7 with us.....self portraits, hanging out in pj's and bedtime routines.
 We get to explore just because we can and of course we always have a place or two to go for a visit. Which is what I am doing right now. I'm sitting here in the Seattle Airport while Dave is at home with the 'nears' for the weekend, and I am on my way to visit our Texas 'fars'.....I can hardly wait for all the hugs!

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