We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Path that Dave Built

Remember that dry creek bed?

Well when Dave saw it
he saw flat rocks that would be just perfect for a path.  
So after checking with Jody to see if she would rather have it at the front
or at the back or side door, 
the decision was made to build it to the front steps
which were already made out of large rocks 
from their property.
 So the search was on for the perfect flat rocks...
 Colson got right into it as well...'this one Bupa?'
 Bria knew exactly what she was looking for...
 and carried her finds all the way to the golf cart for transport.
 Everyone was excited with the load of rocks.
It was much like putting a puzzle together
 especially since the path had to curve!
 Little rocks and pea gravel were used to level the big rocks...
and once again Colson was right in there trying to find the perfect rocks.
I just loved watching him and his Bupa working together.
 It was declared done because we had to leave the next morning...
but I have a feeling that it might be added to next time we visit!


AOK said...

Beautiful! I love rock work! One can appreciate the heavy work that was done while also enjoying the fact that they will not rot, or fade. They endure. Small wonder God is called our Rock!

Anneliese said...

That looks great!