We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Birthdays, Babies, Boys and Byes

Although we have been home for a couple of weeks already, preparing for an Open House for 70, then celebrating my birthday and getting sick all in the same weekend has meant for a long time between posts again. I finally went to the doctor and got some antibiotics for the sinus infection that had entrenched itself in my head and this afternoon for the first time I felt well enough to tackle my pictures! There were a lot of them!

I was delighted to have nice weather yesterday and have someone home all day so I could finally get my front door painted! It feels good to be getting closer to have all the final touch up and trim painted......someday.
This picture was taken on my birthday while everyone else got dinner on the table. We were thankful to be able to have Heather and Matt here along with Jamie, Megan and the boys because we will miss that now that Matt and Heather have moved.

There is nothing quite like cuddling a newborn and I have always loved babies.

Aidan loves playing in the fountain on our back deck! But who can blame him?! He just loves feeling the water, catching it, pouring it from one container into another and generally getting wet!

We had cupcakes left over from Matt's Open House, so they were my birthday cake! :-) Aidan totally enjoyed them as you can see. What delight to watch him.
Jaxon turns 2 months old this week and is growing fast. He is a happy little guy and I am so thankful that we can see him often. I even got to babysit the two boys by myself this week so that Jamie and Megs could celebrate their 6th Anniversay with a dinner date to Vancouver.

Heather and Matt are settling in well and I am very thankful that we can call makes the distance not seem quite so far away. I have decided that I definitely don't like goodbyes but I guess I better get used to them.
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Darin and Jody said...

Glad to see that you are up to posting and painting. Thanks for the picture and the update, it is fun seeing Jaxon and Aidan.

Anneliese said...

Great pictures! And I agree about the goodbyes . . . never easy!

Courtney and Jon said...

great pictures! I'm so thankful you have grandbabies that you get to see often. Have a great week.

~linda~ said...

yes, goodbyes to loved ones are always sad for sure...but on the other side of the equation,,,think of all the joyous hellos!!! and some person whom I admire greatly and have learned a lot from said something like "choose joy"...