We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

What's in a Purse?

This blog post is dedicated to Heather, who several years ago encouraged me to begin the journey of purging my house of all those special things that I couldn't stand to part with! Oh she started small, with just one magazine rack but eventually our entire house was room or closet was left undone!

But this Christmas she tackled another 'sacred' purse!! For Christmas from Heather and Matt I received this classy number seen above, brown and sleek, along with the challenge to see if I could actually pare down all the 'necessary things' I crammed into my other purses!

Well here it is Heather! I did it!!!(and that really should be accompanied by Aidan's "I Did It!!" Dance which is priceless and very enthusiastic). When I finally got up the nerve to see if I could use the purse without making it look like a 9-month-pregnant woman about to give birth, I did it!

The only items that went into my new sleek brown purse were my blackberry, wallet, 1 pen, glasses cleaner and cloth, kleenex, hand lotion, lip gloss, and Mary Kay Compact complete with lipstick, eye colors and blush! I was all set.

What wasn't in this purse that spent the day at home in the old one was:
**8 other pens(yes 8!!)
**my camera
**my photo album with pictures of my family
**another lip gloss
**another lip stick and lip liner
**two old thank you cards

**a make up case full of advil, oil control blotting tissues, two more glass cleaning cloths, bandaids, another hand lotion, dental floss and toothpicks

I know! Quite ridiculous. But you just never know what a gal might need when she is at work all day! Fortunately, I didn't need anything more than what I had in my fancy new purse! Thanks Heather! I did it! :-)

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Karin said...

Great job! Nice purse! When I was carrying my briefcase I actually stopped carrying a purse. I got so used to it that I'm still not carrying one, just my wallet and key, lol.

On This Rock said...

This is shocking...I would like to think that I am working towards being a minimalist myself, but clearly I am no where close to this...I would have trouble letting go of the camera, advil and gloves in winter...but good for you...I wish you continued success in maintaining ...(smile!)

Julene said...

I think I first learned that we really don't need all that much when I lived out of one backpack in Europe & Africa for a month. Now I live here (in Indonesia) and I am almost daily reminded that we have so much more than we need. Thanks for keeping your blog updated, Doris. It's so nice to visit you :-)

Heather said...

Very proud mom :) Your purse is starting to look like mine!

McMahon Manifesto said...

Good for you! What a beautiful purse. I thought I didn't carry too much but see now that perhaps I do!