There are times when I miss my girls terribly, but at the same time I am so thankful that Jamie and Megs live here with their boys and that we can be part of their everyday lives. That also means that on occassion Aidan and Jaxon come for sleepovers, or in this case, a weekend at Pa and Mimi's house. Yesterday morning dawned a beautiful day and I was up early to get to Curves and then get everything done before they arrived at 7:30.......The first thing to do together was a walk around the park. The sun is just getting up as we walk, and you can see the ice on the water...a crisp morning!

Anneliese and I each took pictures of the other pushing the double stroller, but this one of her shows how the boys each had their place to sit and watch the world go by. Aidan pointed out every Basketball hoop on the way down the street to the park, along with birds and ducks once we got there.

Back at home we got ready to head out for the morning(yup, I really did get us all fed, dressed and out the door for a coffee with other Staff Wives that we only have once a month).

Jaxon is in some ways more content then Aidan was as a baby and will sit and play for a long time as long as others are in the room. At the same time however he is also stubborn and in this picture I could see the look of mischief in his eyes!

Aidan was so excited when Pa finally came home from work. He ran into his arms! We decided to head out to McDonald's for dinner and afterwards Aidan ventured into the Play area.....he was pretty timid...

.....but at least he got in there and crawled thru the lower portions.
Dave and Jaxon watched close by....I think Jaxon was thinking just let me get in there too!

Afterwards Aidan wanted to check out Ronald McDonald, although he was a bit scared to actually touch him.

Both boys slept thru the night(yeah!!) but Jaxon decided that he was done sleeping before 7. It was still cold in the house so I left him in his bunting bag while he played and I caught up on some emails. He was so excited about this basketball! Could it be that he would be 'nuts about balls' like his older brother?

Jaxon reading the paper before his breakfast cereal...(he grabbed it off the counter while I was getting the cereal ready :-) )

Aidan woke up a couple of hours later and was ready to play 'ping pong' with Pa as soon as he got up! We don't have a ping pong table so a Rattle and soft ball out of Jaxon's basket of toys are great substitutes.
Getting ready to wrestle with Pa in the Living Room...I love the twinkle in his much fun to have Pa all to himself all day long! It doesn't get any better than that.
Off to have their Saturday morning date at Tim Horton's!! Donuts are one of Aidan's favorite things.
I caught Aidan sitting down behind Jaxon and holding him....or is it that he wants to take the soccer ball away from him?
I know why God didn't plan for people to have babies at this age, but it sure is fun! We just all had to have a nap this afternoon!

Love your pics, especially the one with that twinkle in his eyes. So much fun! I'm so glad that things have changed and we're not having babies at the age Abraham and Sara were! When I see one of our seniors at work and think of that, I just think age must have been different then. But, our God does the impossible!
What a full weekend you had. I agree, fun to get them and fun to give them back when we're tired. that's how we replenish and enjoy them more than our own kids...when we were mostly tired all the time.
I'm sorry I didnt' get a good view of both boys on the picture of you.
We'll have to do that again.
What a busy weekend you had! I'm sure you did need the nap. Such precious times though and I love the picture of Aidan behind Jaxon with the soccer ball.
Lovely to see you enjoying time with your grandkids! Nice to see my Mom there too. Soon she'll be here enjoying time with her grandkids :-)
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