We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Celebrating Mother's Day at the Vancouver Sun Run

We were off early on Sunday morning to head into Vancouver  so we could cheer on Megan as she ran her first Sun Run, a 10 kilometer run alongside 51, 000 others!! Aidan was hanging onto the ticket so we could get onto the Sky Train and head downtown. He took his job very seriously as you can tell.

Here we are at the start...under the white balloons which is where Megan was starting based on the time it would take her to run the 10 km. We were close but didn't actually get to see her take off.
Jaxon wasn't at all sure about seeing all these people and not his Mommy.
It was the most amazing day, warm and sunny and absolutely beautiful. Once Megan's group took off we walked to the finish line.

We made it....but where is she?
Have you ever looked for 1 runner in 51,000 people? 
 Here she comes...running under the overpass I was standing on waiting for her.
 And there she goes....headed for the finish line!!! We were all so proud of her.
 51,000 people and we only cared about one very special lady! Daughter-in-love, wife, mother...we are so proud of you Megs!! Way to Go!

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Courtney and Jon said...


Anneliese said...

And you still look great after the run!!