We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two Sides of Friendship

I know that my blog is definitely not the place anyone would ever go to get recipes or even see pictures of food. But these two pictures are symbolic of this past week and have made me think of the two sides of friendship.
A week ago a friend asked if she could bring a dessert for our small group in the coming week. Since I never turn down anyone that offers to bring food to our house, I said yes, little knowing that God was putting something in place that I knew nothing about.

You see on Thursday when I normally would have come home from work and baked something for our small group, a good friend was in critical condition fighting for her life in a nearby hospital. And instead of coming straight home after work, we went to the hospital instead to see her and pray over her. As we were driving home, arriving just minutes before the rest of our group members, Dave and I marvelled at how God knew that I wouldn't have time to fix dessert, but He had already put it all in place....and so on that day we saw the two sides of and receiving. And our group enjoyed this amazing 'pavlova'!! Mmm, mmm good!
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Anneliese said...

And efore anyone thinks it was me... no - I'm sitting here admiring it too! That is a beautiful pavlova!

Lindsay said...

that is awesome!! thanks for sharing!

Karin said...

Wow! That looks spectacular - too beautiful to cut up! So awesome how God arranges the events of our lives!

Mumsey said...

God is good and it was marvellous you accepted the offer not even really know what God had in store for you to do.
Love the pav'