We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Vancouver Aquarium - through the eyes of a child

After lunch on Mother's Day we headed to the Vancouver Aquarium, one of the boys' favorite places! We hadn't been there in years and it was so much fun to see it through they eyes of the boys. They literally ran from one tank to the next.
I was just as enthralled as they many different kinds of starfish!
Aidan loved the Jellyfish and could hardly wait to get into the area where they were. 
A chance to get into the tank as it were.
At times it seemed as though the boys were hardly even breathing.

Every child knows that Nemo was a this tank of clownfish was a hit!
Jaxon thought he could reach out and touch this big guy.

The Dolphin Tank was definitely a highlight.
We were all excited about watching the Dolphin show so outside we went and made sure that we had spots right on the fence.
We were right behind the trainers so we got a good look.

Definitely a trip to remember.....and what a blessing to see it all through the eyes of a child.

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Megan said...

It was a great time. Thanks for sharing the day with us.

Anneliese said...

Aw.. this reminds me of a date we had with Teh and Paet two years ago. It IS so much more fun to see it through their eyes.

hearts81 said...

Just looking at your photos were impressive. I think that I would have had my nose pressed against the glass if I had been there. Looks like one amazing day!!

Grant-Grey Guda said...

Great blog you have here, if you’re interested here is the link to my blog of poetry.

Hoping you have a wonderful week,

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures. God Is Blessing You All.

Tava Tea said...

This is the first time i have ever read your blog but I'm glad you are feeling free.
I hope you stay free and remember that life is what you make it <3