We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Santorini - Where we left a bit of our hearts

We saw so much on this trip, including 6 Greek ports, but we both fell in love with Santorini. It was just so picturesque.
Of course the fact that we had another absolutely gorgeous day definitely helped too!
Since good friends were going to be there in July we paid extra special attention to the things we wanted to tell them about the Island.....just how beautiful everything was!
Beautiful buildings, hundreds of churches...........
turquoise waters.......
....houses built right into the volcanic rock ......
......this is what we will remember!


Mumsey said...

Simply beautiful. I have been enjoying your journey through photos

Vanessa said...

I love santorini as well!! Love all your pictures-looks like you guys had a fantastic time! :)

Anneliese said...

The sky and the water - soo blue!! The white buidings with red flowers seem to intensify the blue even more! A paradise on earth!

Ruth said...

Doris, This was my favorite place on our trip, and it was not easy to choose just one favorite. I've so enjoyed all your pictures - I hope mine are half as good. I need to buy an external drive because I don't have room on my hard drive!
I've been reliving our cruise and we were so blessed to share such a wonderful adventure with such dear friends. I still laugh when I think of how determined you were to see everything it was possible to see and to squeeze every drop of joy out of every moment of every day. You are the personifcation of 'living life to the fullest' and it was such fun watching you and doing most of it with you. We couldn't have enjoyed this trip of a lifetime as much with anyone else but you and Dave. Do we have a date for our 40th anniversary? Maybe Australia or South America, or the east half of the Mediterranean? So many places to see and experience and so little time ... I love you dear friend and sooo much more for having been priveleged to share this with you.