We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Looking back.......Girl fun!

 Although we had planned a trip to the beach for our first morning altogether, the weather didn't cooperate and Caily wasn't feeling good, so we spent some quiet time together with mostly just us girls. Auntie Heather and Caily had fun playing with Play Doh.
Together they made a dog....the green feet were Caily's contribution! Next it was time to paint some toenails....
 Caily was so excited about having her toenails and her Mommy's matching! What a little lady!
 It was cute to watch Caily remember toys and things that she played with at Christmas when they were up.
I cherished the time just watching two sisters getting to know one another's even though we didn't get to go the beach, we still had girl fun!


Vanessa said...

Looks like a fantastic time together! :)

The W's said...

Love your "looking back" posts! Is your blog picture at Mill Lake? It's beautiful!

Beck's Bulletin said...

Actually the blog header was taken just down the hill from our house at Fishtrap Creek Park. It is an amazing picture though isn't it?