We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Looking back......special visitors!

Back when my computer was ailing we also had some very special visitors.....first Kai and his parents arrived.
 And then our Texas sweethearts arrived with their Mommy.....Caily was so excited that Tiks had made the trip too!
 It was so fun to see Aunties getting to know their nieces and nephews....
 Lexi surprised Jody by willingly going to her aunts and uncles right from the first day. Somehow she knew that we were all safe!
 Of course Aidan and Jaxon visited daily with their parents too.
 We were missing Darin but glad that the rest of us could all be together again...even if only for a week!
Uncle Matt gets right into whatever the cousins are doing, in this case reading!
Of course storytime was a highlight every single's so neat to see another generation of cousins listening to stories!


Anneliese said...

Oh what fun! I have a very similar picture of Dave reading stories to an earlier generation.

Mumsey said...

Oh so special. Such a blessing