We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Yup, it is true! Dave and I are going to be grandparents! Who you ask?(that's everyone's first question when I tell them, and with three young married couples, it is the obvious question) Our firstborn! Jamie and Megan are expecting an addition to their family in August!!! Check out their blog at megans musings for all the latest updates and pictures!

They told us at Christmas already, when we were altogether for our Beck Christmas Eve(so awesome that Jody and Darin were with us when we found out...definitely a Christmas memory we will always share). But then they asked us to pray but keep it a secret until Megan had made it to 13 weeks.

So yesterday was the day that they called the Grandparents and told them the good news....Grandma the Great and Oma and Opa the Great!!!(everyone decided that they liked that better than being Great Grandparents) Then Dave and I told our sisters, so today is the day for the rest of the world to find out! And I decided to reward all of you, our faithful Blog Readers, for all the times you check the blog and there is nothing new or noteworthy posted!

For those of you that knew about my fear that I would ever only have fourleggeed, furry granchildren, that has now been laid to rest! and boy am I excited! No, I haven't bought any baby things yet!(Heather however has already given in to an 'auntie moment and bought an outfit for a girl and for a boy!) But with this being the first grandchild for both Megan's parents, and for us, and the first great grandchild for our parents as well, I am sure this child will be well taken care of! ;-)

Thanks for joining us in praying for this new life, and for Megan and Jamie as they prepare for this very big change in their lives! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Now we can trade grandbaby stories too on top of all the other stuff!

Kristal Sawyer said...

YAY!!! My mom called me on Monday to be sure she could be the one to bear your good news! I am so excited for you and Mr. Beck...And now our little Baby Sawyer will have a dual-citizen friend the same age! How exciting!


Unknown said...

Congrats Grandma! I'm sure you're more than excited! What's with all these dual-citizen babies? We keep mixing American and Canadian blood here...

Hee hee...
