We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, May 26, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Well, it happened...Heather tagged Megan and now Megan tagged me. Since I absolutely love reading other people's tags, I feel it is only fair that I take the time to give you some glimpses of my life that you might otherwise never see!(and yes, it is true, I am a Blog Stalker and Dave tells me that only people without a life do guess what? I guess I am a people without a life! He just doesn't get it! ;-) But I love him anyway!)

1. Although I love people and it is probably hard to believe, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Chemistry from the Unversity of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, a very long time ago! In case you are wondering whatever possessed me to do such a thing, I hated English and in those days if you were in the Science Faculty, you didn't have to take any English courses! I took one language course, a German Literature course, but that is another thing you may or may not know(see #2).

2. Which brings me to #2.....I am a first generation Canadian, which means that my parents were immigrants. As a result, my first language was German and that is all I spoke until I got to school in Grade 1. Imagine what a shock that was! And yes, I still speak German and love to practise it any chance I get! It's a challenge to remember the vocabulary and sometimes my grammar stinks, but I speak it just the same!

3. I spent a summer between my first and second years of University travelling through Europe(mostly Germany and Austria) with a good friend. Unfortunately, she went ahead of me and worked for six months so I had to fly over on my own when school was out. At precisely midnight of the day I was flying, ALL, and yes, that meant, ALL, the commercial pilots in the world went on strike and every plane was diverted to the nearest airport!! Imagine the chaos when instead of landing in Frankfurt, Germany I landed in London, England and the immigration authorities wouldn't allow any of us out of the airport terminal or through customs!!! We had to wait 8 hours until morning to try to find a new way to proceed and I ended up in Hamburg, Germany instead! What craziness! Some day I hope that I can take Dave back to that awesome continent and show him the haunts of my youth! My favorite city was Vienna and someday I will be back!

4. Heather gets her OCD from my side of the family! Without a doubt!! I am borderline and can get quite ridiculous about certain things. But I try really hard(as does my entire family, thank you Dave and kids) to not let it rule my life. However, when it comes to bathroom fawcets, pillows on the living room furniture and the direction pictures are facing on furniture, yes, it is sad but true, all need to be a certain way or I will go around rearranging them! I have tried to leave them but I can't...does that spell OCD?

5. I cannot go to sleep when I have lost or misplaced something! Unlike Dave who just rolls over and forgets about it, I will stay up until all hours of the night, searching in every nook and cranny for that which is lost! It drives me crazy that I have to find it, and more crazy that he doesn't! So even when it is something he loses or misplaces, I am the one staying up half the night to find it! Oh dear...does this also spell OCD?

6. For some of you this won't be a surprise or even random, but I have an insatiable need to know! So the way my family and good friends reel me in is to tell me that there is something I don't know and then not tell me!!! It drives me crazy! And in their quest to rid me of my idiosyncracies, they will sometimes do that just because they know it drives me crazy! Oh the joy of people that love me!

And now I get to tag three people! Since most people my age are totally unaware of how tagging works, this is going to be a challenge. But there are some of you out there, my friends, who I would love to know 6 Random things about, so I tag, Nancy, Laurie, and Jods! (Heather also tagged you so I am hoping that this will motivate you to blog today!) Love all of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually just peek in but don't post. I'm glad you were tagged. Enjoyed getting to know more things about you. Blessings!